Just Asian Food Homemade Miso soup


Miso soup is a traditional japanese soup it's a deliocious and healthy soup that can be enjoyed as a starter or as part of a meal.here's basic recipe for miso soup;


1. 4 Cups dashi stock you can make dashi by simmering dried benito flakes and kombu seaweed, or you can use also hondashi powder

2.1/2 Cup tofu cut cubed style

3. 1/3 Cup sliced green small onion

4. 3 Tablespoon miso paste you can used white, red, or mixed miso paste in your choice 

5. 1/3 Cup wakame seaweed, also you can used dryed seaweed soaked in the water and drained

6. 1Tablespoon soy sauce

7. 1 Tablespoon rice vaneger


• Prepare the dashi according to the package instruction if you are using instant dashi if you make dashi from scratch combine about 4 cups of water with 2 inch piece of kombu seaweed in a saucepan. Heat it over medium heat until small bubbles from around the edges. Remove the kombu seaweed and add about 1/2 cupof dried benito flakes.simmer for 1-2 minute then strain the liquid to remove the beniti flakes. This is your dashi stock.

• Return the dashi from stock bring saucepan to the gentle simmer.

• Add the tofu, sliced green onion and soaked wakame seaweed to the simmering stock. Cook for 2-3 minute until the tofu is heated through

• Gets a small bowl whisk together the miso paste with a ladleful of the hot dashi stock.until the miso is dissolved and smmoth.

• If desired you can add the soy sauce and mirin for additional flavor. adjust the amount according to your taste

• Reduce the heat to low and add the miso paste mixture to the soup . Stir gently to incorporate the misi into the soup , but avoid boiling it as high heat can destroy the delicate flavors of miso

• Once the miso soup is fully dissolved add the flavors have melded together remove the soup from the heat.

• Now your miso soup is ready serve the miso soup hot in individual bowls and enjoy 


Miso paste is salty so it's  better to add less salt to the soup.and you can customize your miso soup by adding ingredient like mushrooms , saeweed, spinach, or other vegetables based on your preference.

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